Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEE!!!

It's my birthday!!! Where are my presents?!?!?!

I like getting older. Bring it on! Getting older just means I can get away with more stuff. Blame it on "old age". Yeah. That's it. I'm old and too feeble to go outside. Carry me. Hold me. Call me Sweet Cheeks!

SWFM spoiled me. She took me for a ride in the car (and brought me back home) and we got ICE CREAM!!!!

I scream; you scream; we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!

Well...I might not be screaming but more like snorting with delight!! DAMN GOOD ice cream!!!

It was a double-dipped, double-lickin' good kind of spoonful of Maggie Moo's delicious vanilla ice cream.

I haz a happy, cold tummy now.


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